Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Labels Ltd. (TNPL) has signed an agreement with Pesmel, according to which Pesmel will supply two automated high-bay storages to TNPL’s new packing board mill in Mondipatti Village in the Trichy district of Tamil Nadu, India. The new board mill is expected to start operating in March 2016 with rated annual production capacity.
Pesmel’s delivery includes an intermediate roll storage (IRS) for coated paper board rolls and finished goods storage (FGS) for paper board sheet bundles in pallets. Both Pesmel TransRoll® and TransPallet storages are based on deep lane technology, which handles several rolls and pallets simultaneously. Fully automated and unmanned storages are controlled by the warehouse management system (WMS), which manages product information during in-feeding and storing, sorts products to be out fed to the next processes or to shipping, and communicates with the customer mill information system (MIS).
The IRS system for paper board rolls has 6,400 roll places with a total storage capacity of 30,000 tons. The FGS system has 6,200 pallet places and a total storage capacity of 6,000 tons. System startups is scheduled for the end of 2015.
TNPL is a repeat customer as Pesmel has delivered automated pallet storage for paper reams to TNPL´s paper mill in Kagithapuram, Tamil Nadu, earlier in 2010.
Information about TNPL
Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) was established by the Government of Tami Nadu during the Early Eighties to produce Newsprint and Printing & Writing Paper. The Company commenced production in 1984. TNPL has emerged as the largest bagasse-based paper mill in the world, and is the second-largest producer of printing and writing paper in the country with a current production capacity of 400,000 tpa. TNPL is the largest exporter of printing and writing paper from India. TNPL has exported 70,951 tons of printing and writing paper during the 2012-13 financial year.
For further information, please contact:
Juha Suksi, at Juha.suksi@pesmel.com
Jagannathan Rajagopalan at Jagannahan.rajagopalan@pesmel.com